I love brightening up my manicure after saying “see ya” to snow-packed days, and this year OPI is giving me a juicy dose of brightly hued perfection with their brand new Summer 2014 NEON Collection! For the first time, the iconic nail polish brand is releasing their beloved neon beauties in full sized bottles and, to add to that excitement, they’re also being added as permanent fixtures to their line of polishes.
For this year’s line, OPI has treated us to 6 punchy shades of purple, green, yellow, orange, pink and coral—along with a white to wear beneath each color to enhance the hue while also protecting the nail. For my review I used two sets of three colors for displaying purposes but, they ended up looking so funky together that it actually gave me some inspiration for summer nail art. While I start working on my next neon mani, read on to find out more about OPI’s latest.

Push & Pur-pull — A strong purple that, to be clear, doesn’t seem all that neon to me. It was also the worst formula-wise; after three thin coats it still seems way too sheer. As you can tell in the photo, it was a bit splotchy still. I don’t see myself wearing this one again.
Down to the Core-al — This is a beautiful coral shimmer. In the photo it’s a bit hard to see the shimmer, but you can definitely see it on the nail. The coral shade is stronger while wearing than in the bottle or photo; both of which make it look too orange. I used two coats for coverage.

Hotter Than You Pink — A shocking hot pink; the name describes it perfectly. This has has a very pretty shimmer to it, which you can see a bit in the photo. While a applying, there was a lot of streaking that ended up evening out well.
Life Gave Me Lemons — This is a citrus lemon creme. It’s very sheer and I had a bit of streaking issue, but all was fine after three thin coats. It’s very fun for summer!
NOTE: As I said before, all neons were applied over a white base (OPI’s Put On a Coat!) to make the colors pop more while also acting as a protector against nail staining.
Neons by OPI will be available in both nail lacquer and GelColor (for professionals only) formulas beginning May 2014, marking the launch of OPI’s first neon gel shades. Nail lacquer shades each feature OPI’s exclusive ProWideTM Brush for the ultimate in application and will retail for $10.95 at professional salons and spas across Canada. GelColor is an in-salon, professional service only. Prices depend on the salon and range from $28 – $38 for a manicure and $35 – $45 for a pedicure.
OPI is available at professional salons, including Beauty Brands, Beauty First, Chatters, Dillard’s, jcp Salons, Pure Beauty, Regis, Trade Secret, ULTA and ulta.com for $9.00 ($10.95 CAN) suggested retail for each nail lacquer.
For more information, please call 800-341-9999 or visit www.opi.com. Follow OPI on Twitter @OPI_PRODUCTS and become a Facebook fan!