Spotlight on Glitter

Courtesy Administrative Services
On The Record
Review: OPI 'Spotlight on Glitter' Collection

Review: OPI ‘Spotlight on Glitter’ Collection

Product Review

​In conjunction with the release of their super cool new peel-off glitter base coat 'Glitter Off', OPI is releasing six sparkly glitters with their new collection Spotlight On Glitter. For the hardcore polish and OPI fans, most of these seem to be re-released/re-named glitters of collection past---however, it's a treat for those that weren’t able to grab them before, like myself. Needless to say, I was pretty 'jazzed' about getting my sparkle on when OPI sent them my way for a test drive. I dare you not to get glitter obsessed after checking these out. Because I wanted to really put some 'spotlight' on the glitter, I applied them over base shades from the Brazil Summer 2014 Collection, which allowed for them to stand out a bit better. In the wise words of Ke$ha: '...go insane. Throw some glitter, make it rain!'.
Courtesy Administrative Services