Cover Girl: Jennifer Lawrence Ruffles Some Feathers for W Magazine!
Apparently that's what W Magazine is telling us with the October issue featuring "The Hunger Games" star covered in feathers. She looks more like the Black Swan than Katniss Everdeen, am I right?
Although the 22-year-old actress was nominated for an Oscar last year and she brought the bow-shooting Katniss Everdeen to life on the big-screen this year in the 'Games', that's not why she's on the cover of the fashion magazine this month. JLaw is returning to the theater this month with her horror-flick "House at the End of the Street" -- appropriately nicknamed "HATES".
For the cover, lens by Tim Walker, she wears a Calvin Klein black feather and organza dress with Urstadt Swan gloves, and as the cover reads, it's Jenn 'like you've never seen her before.'
Chyeah! Because I've never seen her in this many feathers!